Bologna goalkeeper Antonio Mirante has confirmed that his “nightmare” and “ugly chapter” is over after recovering from a heart problem.

Mirante was taken ill at the end of August with a suspected cardiac arrhythmia, forcing him to miss the last two-and-a-half months, but he has finally put his ordeal behind him and is available for selection against Palermo on Sunday.

“Yes, it’s the end of a nightmare, a freak period,” the 33-year-old was quoted as saying by TuttoBolognaWeb.

Bologna goalkeeper Antonio Mirante has confirmed that his “nightmare” and “ugly chapter” is over after recovering from a heart problem.

Mirante was taken ill at the end of August with a suspected cardiac arrhythmia, forcing him to miss the last two-and-a-half months, but he has finally put his ordeal behind him and is available for selection against Palermo on Sunday.

“Yes, it’s the end of a nightmare, a freak period,” the 33-year-old was quoted as saying by TuttoBolognaWeb.

“I felt the love of the fans and the support of the club. I immediately embarked on the road of optimism, thanks to the help of the people that were close to me.

“Thank you for all the messages, they gave me strength. I didn’t fall into despair. It was great to receive such words from my teammates.

“I’m touched. When something like this happens, I take refuge in my family, friends and Bologna, who have been like a family to me since last year.

“I wanted to return sooner, I wanted to stay close to the team. It was a pain not to train and have adrenaline running through me. Today, I’m happy and we can close this ugly chapter in my life.

“I’m mature enough to know my priorities. After values ​​such as family, No 1 is football. I’ll enjoy being able to play again.

“Where am I I now? I’ve had to do preparation, I couldn’t jog or do gym work. I had to reset my body.

“I’m still not 100 percent, but I can’t think about it because Sunday is something else completely.

“I’m beginning to train fully. I lack a bit of sharpness, but I’ll talk to Donadoni and Bucci. Together we will decide.

“I had boring days, I didn’t feel sorry for myself though. Those days have certainly made me stronger.

“My mother was sleeping like a little child in a cot beside me.

“I’m now at the Coach’s disposal, we’ll see how we feel, but there aren’t any problems. The most important thing is Bologna.”

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