Minority shareholders look to sue Agnelli and Juventus

Juventus’ minority shareholders are reportedly taking steps to start civil proceedings against the club as part of the Prisma investigation.

Tuttosport details how around 14 minority shareholders have informed the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office that they’d like to constitute themselves as ‘injured or aggrieved persons’ in the proceedings against the Bianconeri.

Juventus are under investigation by the Turin Public Prosecutor for various alleged charges including stock market manipulation and false accounting through the usage of falsified capital gains. The Prisma investigation is separate to the 15-point deduction handed to the club by the FIGC court last month.

The code of criminal justice in Italy allows individuals, during the investigation phase, to ask prosecutors to be updated on the developments of the investigation, something that was requested by the 14 minority shareholders.

Among the 14 are a financier, a businesswoman and some students and pensioners, all of whom individually requested to be updated by the Turin Public Prosecutor.

In addition to the minority shareholders, the prosecutors have also added the Piedmont Regional Directorate of the Revenue Agency and Consob to the list of ‘injured or aggrieved persons’ for alleged tax fraud with the treasury and for false communications to the stock market.

If the case goes to trial, the minority shareholders will have the opportunity to constitute themselves as civil plaintiffs, and all the other shareholders could be added to join the 14.