Milik: ‘Napoli’s goal is to win’

Arkadiusz Milik says Napoli want to overhaul Juventus this season – “six Scudetti in a row is enough for one team…”

The Partenopei have finished second and third in the past two seasons, and the squad is staying together this summer to win the title for the first time since 1990.

“When I was out injured, I saw a fantastic team,” Milik told La Repubblica.

Arkadiusz Milik says Napoli want to overhaul Juventus this season – “six Scudetti in a row is enough for one team…”

The Partenopei have finished second and third in the past two seasons, and the squad is staying together this summer to win the title for the first time since 1990.

“When I was out injured, I saw a fantastic team,” Milik told La Repubblica.

“Napoli have a lot of qualities, which you can see in matches and in training. It’s great to work with such strong teammates, I’m excited to be part of this group.

“Playing well is rewarding, but congratulations aren’t enough anymore, our objective is to win. At the end of this season we want to lift a trophy.

“The Scudetto? Juventus remain favourites, but they’ve won six in a row and that’s enough for one team.

“Maybe there’ll be room for someone else. Napoli, for example…”

Milik was also asked about his life in Naples.

“I live well, even if it’s a different city from those in Northern Europe, with an older history. I like the sun, the sea and the people.

“Is it dangerous? Nah, if you go around at night Paris is dangerous too.”