Napoli striker Arkadiusz Milik assures his knee feels “really good” and he’ll return “for January-February”.

The Polish forward ruptured his cruciate ligament while on international duty in October, depriving the Partenopei of their main goal threat.

“My knee? It’s really good,” Milik assured in a Press conference to present Napoli’s official 2017 calendar.

Napoli striker Arkadiusz Milik assures his knee feels “really good” and he’ll return “for January-February”.

The Polish forward ruptured his cruciate ligament while on international duty in October, depriving the Partenopei of their main goal threat.

“My knee? It’s really good,” Milik assured in a Press conference to present Napoli’s official 2017 calendar.

“After two months I feel good, but judging my condition is not up to me, that’s the doctor’s job. I’m training, I’m back running, but the doctor will decide.

“Is playing Real Madrid a motivation to return sooner? It’s an obvious question, after this draw it’s clear that the desire to return is even greater.

“I hope to return to the pitch as soon as possible, for January-February. I don’t know when I’ll start training with the team, I’ll have to wait for the time to get playing again.

“I want to thank all the Napoli fans, it was amazing the number of messages I received from the fans when I got my injury.

“I just want to return to the pitch as soon as possible.”

The Vesuviani have fallen away in the Scudetto race with Milik’s injury, could his return fire them back up the table?

“They’ve been playing in a different way. They may have dropped some points, but the team is still playing very well.

“I don’t know if my return will change things, but the team has started on a positive path, and we hope to keep doing well.

“The Scudetto or the Champions League? It’s a difficult question. We’ll see in the future, we have a great opponent in Real Madrid in our way, but everything is in our hands and nothing is impossible in football.

“Now I’m just thinking about recovering and getting back on the pitch.”

Dries Mertens has filled-in as a false-nine in Milik’s absence, and the striker was asked what will happen on his return…

“He’s playing really well, I’m glad,” Milik insisted.

“By the way, we’re very good friends so I’m happy for him and I like seeing him play in that position. I hope when I return he moves to the left though…”


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