Milan to confirm Adidas extension

Several reports in the Italian Press have claimed that Milan will announce a new 10-year shirt manufacturing deal with Adidas on Wednesday.

Several outlets, including the well-sourced Milanello Twitter feed, have insisted that a Press conference will be called tomorrow to confirm the decade-long deal with the German sports company.

Milan wore Adidas shirts between 1990 and 1993, before re-signing with the manufacturer in 1998. The expected contract is set to end in 2024.

Several reports in the Italian Press have claimed that Milan will announce a new 10-year shirt manufacturing deal with Adidas on Wednesday.

Several outlets, including the well-sourced Milanello Twitter feed, have insisted that a Press conference will be called tomorrow to confirm the decade-long deal with the German sports company.

Milan wore Adidas shirts between 1990 and 1993, before re-signing with the manufacturer in 1998. The expected contract is set to end in 2024.