The date for the sale of Milan to a Chinese group keeps being postponed as Silvio Berlusconi won't let go of the club's control.

The Rossoneri are increasingly being linked with investors from the Far East, but in spite of their President's statements in favour of a sale, the odds of a resolution seem to be getting unfavourable.

The date for the sale of Milan to a Chinese group keeps being postponed as Silvio Berlusconi won't let go of the club's control.

The Rossoneri are increasingly being linked with investors from the Far East, but in spite of their President's statements in favour of a sale, the odds of a resolution seem to be getting unfavourable.

According to La Repubblica, Berlusconi's first deal with investor Robin Li, originally scheduled to be formalised in mid-June, has now been delayed to a date still to be defined.

The reasons behind the delay apparently have to do with Berlusconi's reluctance to give up his position as the majority shareholder. Furthermore, this is not the first time this happens in 2016.


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