Luca Marchegiani has insisted that Milan boss Massimiliano Allegri is not the only one to blame for their poor start to the season.

“Their players can and must do more than they have so far,” the former Italian international goalkeeper told Sky Sport Italia.

Luca Marchegiani has insisted that Milan boss Massimiliano Allegri is not the only one to blame for their poor start to the season.

“Their players can and must do more than they have so far,” the former Italian international goalkeeper told Sky Sport Italia.

“The team needs to be rebuilt in terms of its mentality and also in the way that it plays football,” he continued.

“It is far too easy to talk about all of the players who have left the club over the summer. Who has remained must now offer something extra.”

Milan have beaten Bologna, lost to Sampdoria” data-scaytid=”4″>Sampdoria and Atalanta” data-scaytid=”5″>Atalanta, while they drew 0-0 with Anderlecht on Tuesday in the Champions League.

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