Former Milan manager Arrigo Sacchi has told Inter to forget about building an attack line which consists of Romelu Lukaku, Lautaro Martinez and Paulo Dybala.

Dybala is expected to join on a free after leaving Juve, while Inter are in talks with Chelsea over the signing of Lukaku just 12 months after his departure to west London.

Sacchi compared the strategy to Real Madrid Galacticos plan in the early 2000s which saw them go five seasons without winning a Champions League knockout match – and urged Inter to focus on balance.

He told Gazzetta dello Sport: “I have always said you don’t make teams with statues.

“I was at Real Madrid as director in 2004-05 and they asked me to coach [the team]. Do you know what the attacking line was?

“I’ll tell you: [David] Beckham, Raul, Ronaldo, [Zinedine] Zidane, [Luis] Figo. On the bench, the first reserves were [Fernando] Morientes and [Michael] Owen. It wasn’t a team, it was a film. But it lacked the plot.

“So I thanked the president but said no. To protect the defence you would have needed two holding players with bullet-proof vests. Teams always need balance.”

Sacchi said his primary concern regarding the attacking trio was that he feels they would be unwilling to sacrifice themselves for the team.

He added: “In modern football you need 11 players who are always active – in attack and in defence. You need to continually move, take part in the action, work together.

“It is only like this that you can consider winning the ball back quickly when the opposition has it.

“If you give up three players to the enemy, it means there are only eight in defence rather than 11: but how? Teams work of synchronised movements.

“The spirit of sacrifice and physical characteristics of the player are fundamental. I don’t believe, though I could be wrong, that Lukaku, Lautaro and Dybala have these qualities.”

The Nerazzurri’s perilous financial situation means any move for Lukaku would likely mean sacrificing a defender with Milan Skriniar, Alessandro Bastoni and Denzel Dumfries among those mooted for an exit. 

While Torino’s Bremer, who was named Serie A Defender of the Year, has been linked with a move, a push for the Belgium forward in attack would likely result in a significant weakening of the defence. 

10 thought on “Milan legend Sacchi tells Inter: Forget Lukaku-Dybala-Lautaro trident”
  1. “The spirit of sacrifice and physical characteristics of the player are fundamental

    Lukaku and Lautaro are both physical strong. They allready proved, that they can play super together!
    What are this man is talking about?

  2. You’re interista, arrigo sacchi is a milanista so you can never understand what it means to sacrifice all it’s in your head is to have a three forward players whom you think can damage any team lol two heads are better than one Milan won the league with sweat and blood by sacrificing for each other I wish you are the coach for inter next season so that we can see what you will do with the trident…. Lol

  3. Arrigo, pretty certain it’s gonna happen by the looks of it. Especially with Marotta pulling the strings.

    Might need to rethink your own words and choose them wisely.

  4. “The spirit of sacrifice and physical characteristics of the player are fundamental. I don’t believe, though I could be wrong, that Lukaku, Lautaro and Dybala have these qualities.”

    I guess Sacchi hasn’t watched any of Inter‘s games for the last couple of years.

  5. The problem is Arrigo, league games cannot be dragged to penalties .. Pasedena 94. When you don’t have 3 fabulous Dutch players, people soon realise you have feet of clay. Capella a much better coach.

  6. @Groovybag Did you saw the Inter of 2020? I think not! Lukaku and Lautaro allready proved that they can hurt any team. You as Milanista should know this!

  7. @ Groovybag: in the last 2 years the winter champions lost the scudetto to 2 teams that finished last in the champions league group stage. Coincidence ? I THINK NOT !! In the last decade the 8 scudetti juve won involved european soccer aftwr christmas. Of the 2 won by others none involved European soccer after christmas? Coincidence? I THINK NOT !!

  8. Dybala is not a good move. In no way buying dybala would justify selling anyone between skriniar, dumfies and bastoni. Forget it. Just get rid of dzeko, correa, alexis and buy a young talented replacement.

  9. Sacchi is terrified jealous as all other Milanista
    Milan did deserve this scuditto they got it by chance and they won’t improve their squad they will never finish in top 4

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