‘Milan, keep hold of Gattuso’

Giacomo Bonaventura urges Milan to keep Gennaro Gattuso, insisting he has “nothing to envy” the world’s top Coaches.

The former midfielder replaced Vincenzo Montella on the Rossoneri bench, and after a difficult start his side are unbeaten in four games.

“One might want [Pep] Guardiola or someone who’s considered a top Coach,” Bonaventura admitted in an interview with Corriere dello Sport.

Giacomo Bonaventura urges Milan to keep Gennaro Gattuso, insisting he has “nothing to envy” the world’s top Coaches.

The former midfielder replaced Vincenzo Montella on the Rossoneri bench, and after a difficult start his side are unbeaten in four games.

“One might want [Pep] Guardiola or someone who’s considered a top Coach,” Bonaventura admitted in an interview with Corriere dello Sport.

“Gattuso has nothing to envy anyone in the way he works though. Changing the technical guidance again would be something very difficult for we players.

“Gattuso knows the environment very well and deserves to have a few more superstars.

“He’s given as a different way of working where there’s huge intensity, very few pauses, the level of training has risen a lot.

“In addition our Coach has great character, great passion. He’s honest, he’s managed to give us all the desire to improve, an important unity of purpose.

“Gattuso is very good at motivating those who play less. He doesn’t leave anyone to their fate, he always tries to recover them.

“His most important intuition was to go back to a back-four, now we finally have a specific formation and we’re carrying it forward.

“There’s no confusion now, the situation is clear for everyone. When you change formations and Coaches it’s not good for players.

“In recent years we’ve had to deal with many – too many – changes on every front.”

Bonaventura also discussed Montella, who was sacked at the end of November to make way for Gattuso.

“When important players are lost, your position suffers. That’s what happened with Montella at the start of the season.

“I had to work harder and differently to get into shape after being injured the previous season. Instead, after a few weeks’ work, the Europa League started and I was used almost all the time.

“That means I couldn’t face the league at 100 per cent.”