Milan recovered after a nightmare start once their top stars came on, but still lost 3-2 away to Hungarians ZTE.

It was a very shaky start in Hungary, going behind within a couple of minutes when a corner was only cleared as far as the edge of the box for a ferocious Ubochioma strike, but he was left completely undisturbed.

Gergenyi was denied only by the woodwork, while Junior Messias and Olivier Giroud saw chances cancelled out by last-ditch tackles.

Zalaegerszegi TE doubled their lead with an own goal and again were very poor on a set play, Brescianini nodding into his own net.

Moments later, Matyas Tajti was allowed to get away from Brescianini far too easily, unleashing a screamer into the far top corner from distance.

Fode Ballo-Toure was brought down for a penalty, which was converted by Giroud.

The France centre-forward should’ve had a second on the stroke of half-time set up by Messias, kept out by a desperate save.

Ante Rebic and Alessandro Florenzi also tested their defences before numerous substitutions to bring out the big guns on the hour mark.

Mike Maignan almost scored a bizarre own goal with a mis-kicked clearance, but Yacine Adli again made a real impact with his performance in midfield, setting up the goal for 3-2 with a smart run and pull-back for Rade Krunic’s control and strike from 10 yards.

ZTE 3-2 Milan

Ubochioma 2 (Z), Brescianini og 23 (Z), Tajti 26 (Z), Giroud pen 30 (M), Krunic 86 (M)

Milan: Tatarusanu (Maignan 61); Florenzi (Calabria 61), Kalulu (Tomori 61), Gabbia, Ballo-Touré (Theo Hernandez 61); Tonali (Bennacer 61), Brescianini (Krunic 61); Messias (Saelemaekers 61), Brahim Diaz (Adli 61), Rebic (Leao 61); Giroud (Maldini 61)

26 thought on “Milan game of two halves with ZTE”
  1. God with all those foreigners Milan still loses to below average club team
    Good job Milan. Sign some more below average foreigners
    Serie A is a joke

  2. Bad impression after the positive Koln friendly.

    Corner, throw in, long shots … we conceded them all.

    You understand why Maldini and Pioli were/are after a tall defender. We conceded the first after failing to clear a corner first time, and the second on a long throw in! where they managed to head the ball twice without reply easily for a simple goal. Third goal was an unstoppable long shot, but Brescianini were beaten easily and had a bad game. He’s not anywhere ready for Milan obviously.

    Even after all the stars came in, we were left mostly frustrated by in our inability to break them down, make chances and score goals, a relic from the season past which will not get resolved unless we buy one or two good players in attack.

  3. There is only one Kraken in Serie a and he lives in the bat cave within the foothills of Livorno. His name is Fortress of Fear Max, scholar, philosopher and creator of ball must stay in your of half at a rate of 98.45%.

  4. Guys, calm down! The Hungarian league starts this Friday so zte are much further along in their prep for the new season! Its still three or so weeks and more friendlies until serie a starts!


    You do come out with some absolute piles of drivel. ‘Foothills’ of Livorno and caves?? Do you even know where Livorno is? Livorno is by the seaside 😂 And grotto’s in the Colline? Unless you dug artificial ones to bury the rubbish coming out of your mouth, none exist.

  6. Pilot should no in a friendly you start your best team first.god we are Italian champions go and spend some bloody money.

  7. MILAN (4-2-3-1): Tatarusanu; Florenzi,
    Kalulu, Gabbia, Ballo-Touré; Tonali,
    Brescianini; Messias, Diaz, Rebic; Giroud

    Except for Tonali./ GABBIA Old terrible team.
    Oh forgot maldini looking for more average foreigners

  8. Rosario CALMAAA!!! I never respond to you as you’re a nobody. LOL drivel. You fish and chippers really have a way with words.😂😂😂 Goodness gracious me innit time for a cuppa, the 25th of the day. Breathe in an out and don’t let the woke tear drops overcome you. Should you not be going to get your legs waxed or spreading avocado on toast? It is called a joke something EU boys should learn. Never ever heard of a famous comedian in Europe. Start working on your material. Funny thing is you go all woke and cry about Bakayoko but are the biggest double racist here. Now be gone. I shall summon you if requested.


    Ahh of course you’re a Yank. Talking tripe is inherent.

    And there was me thinking you had actually been to Livorno.

  10. The receipts are in and I remember my 2005 trip. Grotte di Montenero. So they were not caves carved into the mountains within the Province of Livorno. Monte Capanne. Amazing hike and spectacular views in the Province of Livorno.

  11. Ahh my dear girl Rosalie, you critique me but look dumber in the process. A foothill is a low hill at the base of a mountain or mountain range and they have them. You must be confused with the excavated ones you dug in your keister and stored the wind there. Tell me is your BS renewable and if so how do you store it at night? So you do not like Yanks. LOL the clown does not realise that her club is already owned by Americans and that Red Bird is a company based in the Rio Tinto Valley LMAO. A clown that has never gone beyond the walls of the EU and preaches like a canary. Outta here biatch!!!

  12. 2005 trip 😂😂😂 Absolutely brilliant. let me guess, you took in Pisa, Roma and maybe a little more of Tuscany? And called it a visit to the ‘old country’ in the process?

    What has the ownership of the club got anything to do with me detesting plastic yanks like you constantly typing nonsense on here? You are one of the owners? Can’t be because the last time you managed to afford a ticket to Italy was nearly 2 decades ago.

    Beyond the walls of the EU? I thought I was the dumb one?! I live and work in London – surely you knew that the UK isn’t in the EU? What am I saying? You strunz couldn’t even locate your own cities on a map, let alone jurisdictions of the EU.

    And as such a proud Yank…why do you bandwagon a European club?

  13. Seriously Rosario give me your Venmo account if you have one, or PayPal. I am a Crypto trader and been lucky to have traveled the world. I feel bad for you. With Russia holding you hostage with energy and food shortages, I can help you. If you would like me to transfer some currency do not be shy. After all you could go and see those caves, caverns and mountains in the Province of Livorno.

  14. You didn’t answer my question! If you don’t like the Eu and a country within the Eu, and are such a proud yank, what are you doing bandwagoning a European club? Seems a bit odd!

    haven’t your crypto money taken a pounding in the markets? You’ll help me? Born to two surgeons, I was lucky enough to see places around the world, well before your ancestors had even discovered indoor plumbing, love!

    So why bandwagon juventus, when you have sawwwkah, eggball and baseball?

  15. LMAO football is a global game. I will be the first to admit it sucks here in the US. Credit where credit is due, the game is at its best in Europe. Funny how a little fish and chipper is telling me why do I support or follow the game in Europe. Hmm that seems a double standard considering your woke stance on Bakayoko. Illiberal latte liberals are the worst but this is a clown world we live in I suppose. So fans in Singapore, Sydney, Mumbai and Florida should not support a team outside their bounds? That sounds hypocritical Rosalie, as by your London standards borders are racist lol. Markets are always volatile my dear girl, but when you invested like me years ago, you diversify your investments. Two surgeons, fantastic. Cor blimey I’m parched make me a brew love. Innit lovely we have finally crossed paths.

  16. The wannabe successful trader is using political ideologies to qualify being a bandwagoning fanatic.

    Global game huh?! I thought you were anti EU countries? Isn’t that being hypocritical? Such high levels of self awareness.

  17. My investments are in rented properties. That’s why I don’t have to bother myself with venmo and PayPal to make ends meet.

    Time you get back to your Conte Max bashing. Once you confirm yourself as a fake bandwagon, you’re as useful as your inland security on 9/11 😂

  18. I trade well my young girl and did it without sponging off my mom and dad. Anti Eu. Oh wait for saying you have no comedians of value. 9/11 like we have to protect cheapskate nations all at once. So Juve and Real Madrid are in the States and promoting the brand. You must be so upset. Better make a brew. Innit lovely that the NFL comes to London and we see the value in promoting the brand. Bloody great that many limeys wear Yankees caps and yet cannot name one player from the eggball team. My bathroom is bigger than your entire home. I have seen Chipland homes and they are glues together like lego. FOOTHILLS IN LIVORNO. KO’d. Now go and make me my cuppa. PG tips, one sugar and lots of milk.😂

  19. Do not be mad. I know I know. In 2005 I searched your mom’s cave and she enjoyed the 13 inch subway very much. Your Papi even filmed us.😂 There was no CALMAAA, that I can guarantee.

    Innit time to go and march outside the San Siro for being taken over by a US company again. You can treat it as a climate change protest and demand that the foreign invaders leave immediately.

  20. Tony, do you actually know anything about football? This is pre season. It’s about getting fitness levels up and trying out players you probably won’t see for the rest of the season.

  21. Dazziano Coluccisays:

    The team we played, their league season starts in 3 days. They are much further ahead in their fitness and prep.


    Uffa!!! I think I’ve bullied you enough to see you resorting to talking about my parents. 😩

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