Milan fly out for Casemiro

Milan emissaries are reportedly in Brazil to negotiate the January arrival of Sao Paolo starlet Casemiro.

It is suggested by various newspaper sources that director Ariedo Braida has flown out to South America to pave the way for the mid-season transfer session.

Milan emissaries are reportedly in Brazil to negotiate the January arrival of Sao Paolo starlet Casemiro.

It is suggested by various newspaper sources that director Ariedo Braida has flown out to South America to pave the way for the mid-season transfer session.

The Rossoneri are eager to get in there early with a deal, as they face stiff competition from Inter and Juventus” data-scaytid=”5″>Juventus.

The 19-year-old's price-tag is thought to be around €25m and there are also problems regarding his non-EU status.

Casemiro has a buy-out clause worth €30m, but Milan are hoping to pay only half that sum for the midfielder.