The Serie A title race is wide open with Milan master of their fate and with three games that will probably be decisive for the Scudetto.

Inter‘s 1-1 draw against Torino yesterday means that the Rossoneri are now four points clear of their city rivals, who would not reach the Rossoneri even beating Bologna in a game that was rescheduled in January. Inter currently sit third with a game in hand, with Napoli second, just three points behind the Rossoneri.

Stefano Pioli’s men are now the masters of their fate, with nine games remaining before the end of the season. Milan haven’t won the Serie A title since 2011, with Massimiliano Allegri in charge.

The race is still long and anything can happen in the last nine matches. Milan will visit Cagliari next weekend and, after the break, they will host Bologna and travel to Torino.

On paper, there are three crucial games left for the Rossoneri. The away match against Lazio and home games with Fiorentina and Atalanta.

The other meetings are against teams in the second part of the table, which is no guarantee of success as Il Diavolo has only won three matches from the last seven against teams ranging from 10th to 20th.

Milan fixture list in Serie A

Cagliari (away)

Bologna (home)

Torino (away)

Genoa (home)

Lazio (away)

Fiorentina (home)

Verona (away)

Atalanta (home)

Sassuolo (away)

17 thought on “Milan are master of their fate in Serie A title race, but face three key games”
  1. Masters of their destiny? In which league?

    After last night, and many questionable calls throughout the season, one can clearly see that Milan are NOT the masters of their own destiny. Far from. They are a mere puppet while someone else pulls the strings.

    October’s farcical decision when Kalinic kicked Romagnoli but penalty instead awarded to Verona comes to mind. Milan is just hanging on by a thread. VAR is a mere mask for the thieves of transparency.

    What was shaping up to be an incredible Serie A title race could end up being a very, very bitter memory for some.

  2. I’m not getting my hopes up. It just feels like something that doesn’t happen for Milan any more. There’s been too many disappointments. But…..

  3. How good are Tomori and Kalulu? They’ve got everything. A great reading of the game AND pace. They have unbelievable understanding with each other. It’s like they’ve played together for years. I think we’ve seen the end of Romagnoli, There’s simply no way we could justify his wage demands now.

    One player who is annoying me is Giroud. I know he’s scored some crucial goals but his hold up play is atrocious. He gave the ball away in really dangerous places. It’s good to have Ibra back.

  4. As a Juve fan, I would rather see Milan win the league than Inter. But the funny thing is, I dont think Milan have played as well as Inter! They just got lucky in many games and Inter messed up. It is between the two of them for the title and Juve could sneak 3rd or even 2nd if one of the top 3 mess up

  5. I hear you @Maldini’s Heir. I’m not getting down about it but the facts speak for themselves. All we can do is try to do our part and hope for the best.

    Sadly we’re accustomed to it this season as even in the CL we had to deal with some painful officiating.

    I often have a positive outlook and regularly give the benefit of doubt but last night’s (non) call reminded me of the precarious position that Milan find themselves in. Last night made my mind think back to 2006 and that was not a good thought.

  6. On paper, Juventus have the easiest run in, playing 1 top 5 opponent, 3 mid-to-upper table oppnents and 5 lower table opponents.

    Milan and Inter have similar fixtures with 1 top opponent, 5 mid-to-upper and 3 basement opponents.

    Napoli arguably have the most difficult encounters playing 1 top 5 opponent, 6 mid-to-upper and 2 lower table opponents.

    Napoli (Genoa [H] and Spezia [A]) and Inter [Cagliari [A] and Sampdoria [H]) do have the easier final 2 games of the season.

    Taking everything into account, I would back Milan by a whisker given their slender lead and points in the bank over Inter. While Juve have tightened up their performances are still not convincing. They are like a more clinical version of Roma, and like Roma, their average showings will surely get punished.

  7. @nico

    You made me burst out in laughter on a Monda. Thanks for that. Enjoy being second, third or whatever your are.

    Milan clearly deserve to be on top.

  8. I have to agree with Nico. In a perfect world Milan would be masters of there own destiny but due to referee errors and misuse of VAR we have had points taken away from us. Me, like mist Rossonero are dreaming of glory. Forza Milan, sempre

  9. I would rather Milan play all the bigger teams until the end of season. Made hard work of Empoli and will probably do the same in the next 4 games against teams we should beat.

  10. Good points fellas! And @Whelp – haha nah, wasn’t trying to be melodramatic at all. Just a bit factual. It is what it is.

    Milan has problems dealing with teams in the bottom half of the table – like 12 or 14 points lost. Conversely top of the table in a mini league with the top 7 teams. Notwithstanding ref errors we do have our own issues to deal with.

    @Viktor…I wish I didn’t have to type these msgs on a Monday when we’re top of the table ! 🙂

  11. @Nico, many questionable calls throughout the season, indeed. Like Roma being denied a pk against Milan at Olimpico (Kjaer foul) and another at San Siro (Tonali foul), Napoli denied a pk against Milan (Tomori foul), Venezia being denied a pk against Milan (Florenzi foul) etc..

  12. @ Antonio

    Every single one of the ones you mentioned had calls that didn’t go Milan’s way either in the same game. Evens out. But let’s be clear NOTHING was as evident and clear as yesterdays pent that wasn’t given to Torino: keep writing Antonio but you know we are right. Shameful ref

  13. @Antonio…true. Can’t disagree with that at all.What team hasn’t faced the wrath of poor calls in Serie this season? And sorry for not calling the other smaller provincial sides as they could face relegation from poor calls.

    Sad really. With Milan the list can read with Verona, Spezia, Napoli, Udinese, off the top of my head. I really don’t like highlighting this as there firstly the team must put it’s footballing house in order, and there is room for improvement where that counts. And referee;s just like players do make mistakes. I am ok with that, but that’s where technology (VAR) comes in. So using it poorly is just sickening as it should help not hinder.

    However if a title is won/lost by a point or 2 where Milan had a win snatched away from them it would be incredibly painful. We’ve suffered a good number of years (10!) to reach this point with the 3rd youngest side in Serie A.

    Better officiating (ie. use of the technology available) would make for a more credible, transparent and fair league…no ifs no buts as to the eventual winner.

  14. @viktor

    What calls went against you in those games? Anyhow watch the Belotti pk incident again and Belotti touches the ball with his left hame before the foul.. no one mentioned that…

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