Mihajlovic: ‘I know Sarri and Lazio well…’

Bologna coach Sinisa Mihajlovic believes Lazio ‘have weak points’ and is sorry the Rossoblu will part ways with Walter Sabatini.

The club’s directors won’t extend his expiring contract at the Stadio Dall’Ara.

“We all feel sorry for Walter. I had created an excellent friendship, he was an important person for me,” Mihajlovic said at a press conference.

“I used to enjoy being with him, we talked a lot about football and we were on excellent terms.”

Bologna host Lazio tomorrow and have prepared the game while in training retreat.

“It was not a punishment, we had to do it to find that concentration that was missing against Empoli,” Mihajlovic explained-

“Lazio are a good team. They are complete, a physical team with great individuality.

“They know how to attack and defend just as well. It will be hard but I am very confident given how we trained this week.

“I know [Maurizio] Sarri well, in the past, I went to see his training sessions.

“He’s a good coach who always makes his team play well and who hasn’t always had strong players. We know what the strengths of Lazio are but also their weaknesses.”