Milan Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic says Mario Balotelli’s behaviour has been “10 out of 10” but “he must do more on the pitch”.

The striker returned to the Rossoneri on loan from Liverpool this summer, but has missed most of the season with a hernia.

Since returning he has struggled to break into the first team, but the Serbian tactician says his conduct has been impeccable.

“I was straight with him, blunt,” Mihajlovic told Sky about his meeting with Balotelli.

Milan Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic says Mario Balotelli’s behaviour has been “10 out of 10” but “he must do more on the pitch”.

The striker returned to the Rossoneri on loan from Liverpool this summer, but has missed most of the season with a hernia.

Since returning he has struggled to break into the first team, but the Serbian tactician says his conduct has been impeccable.

“I was straight with him, blunt,” Mihajlovic told Sky about his meeting with Balotelli.

“I wanted to talk to him and look at him, because I’ve known Mario since Mancio [Roberto Mancini] gave him his debut at Inter.

“He was a kid then, many years have passed since and he’s changed too. I found a mature person, he’s a man not a boy.

“I wanted to look him in the eyes, and he gave me the right impression. The key thing is that he’s a good lad, and I really like him.

“He knows he’s made a lot of mistakes, he’s the first to admit that. It’s true that everything is amplified when it comes to him, but it’s also true that he brings a lot of it on himself.

“This year his behaviour has been 10 out of 10. He has to do more on the pitch, he knows that too and we often speak about it.

“I’m sure we’ll succeed.”

The full interview will be broadcast tomorrow, but Mihajlovic was also asked about his upbringing in what was Yugoslavia at the time.

“I was born in a country where you have to be hard. Not by choice, but out of neccessity: to survive. I like the pressure, I’ve never run away from it.

“I’ve experienced other things, I often say that when you’ve been through two wars you can’t be afraid of a football match.

“It’s pressure that I like, and I can give the best of myself when I’m under pressure.

“For me football is important, but it’s still a game, it’s not life and death.”


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