Miha: ‘Bad with Genoa, miss the derby’

Torino Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic warns “those who don’t play well against Genoa won’t play the derby” against Juventus in midweek.

The Granata face their city rivals in the Coppa Italia on Wednesday, but first they must take on the Grifone tomorrow.

“We’ve trained and prepared well, so we just have to play to try and win,” Mihajlovic stated in his pre-match Press conference.

Torino Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic warns “those who don’t play well against Genoa won’t play the derby” against Juventus in midweek.

The Granata face their city rivals in the Coppa Italia on Wednesday, but first they must take on the Grifone tomorrow.

“We’ve trained and prepared well, so we just have to play to try and win,” Mihajlovic stated in his pre-match Press conference.

“Genoa have obtained positive results after the change of Coach. We’re in difficulty, our injury list is as long as a motorway, but those who plays will have to be at the top, even if it means using double the energy.

“We have four injured defenders: Lyanco, [Cristian] Ansaldi, [Kevin] Bonifazi, [Antonio] Barreca.

“In midfield [Daniele] Baselli isn’t there and in attack we’re missing [Andrea] Belotti, [Adem] Ljajic and [Simone] Edera, who got injured yesterday.

“So everyone will have to give more.

“The points we dropped at Spal were bad, but we have to look forward to avoid other regrets. We’re missing a lot of players, but we’re confident of bouncing back.

“As I said, we’ve trained well, we’ve prepared well and we’ve talked. Now we need facts.

“Will we be thinking about the derby? Those who don’t play well against Genoa won’t play the derby. They’re all under discussion and everyone must give their best.

“Anyone who doesn’t have the right attitude against the Rossoblu won’t play in the derby, but I don’t think there’s a risk of that.”

Mihajlovic was then asked about Beloit’s condition, as the Italian international has suffered another knee injury.

“It’s not a meniscus, it’s not a collateral, it’s not a ligament injury. I think he can come back after the winter break, but I don’t want to rush him.

“It’s definitely less serious than first feared, but then I’m not a doctor.”