Meret: ‘Great group at Napoli’

Napoli goalkeeper Alex Meret reveals “this is one of the best groups I’ve ever been a part of”, and explains his ‘albatross’ nickname.

The youngster joined the Partenopei from Udinese in the summer, but only made his debut this month after suffering a broken arm in his first training session.

Today the Italian international sat down with Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli to discuss his time in Campania so far, starting with his unusual nickname.

“It’s a nickname I’ve just been given,” Meret explained.

Napoli goalkeeper Alex Meret reveals “this is one of the best groups I’ve ever been a part of”, and explains his ‘albatross’ nickname.

The youngster joined the Partenopei from Udinese in the summer, but only made his debut this month after suffering a broken arm in his first training session.

Today the Italian international sat down with Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli to discuss his time in Campania so far, starting with his unusual nickname.

“It’s a nickname I’ve just been given,” Meret explained.

“The goalkeeping coaches say I can cover the whole goal with my long arms, and the albatross is the bird with the widest wingspan.

“My debut was a beautiful day for me, because I did it at home, in front of our fans. It was a great feeling, especially because it was at the San Paolo.

“It was important to feel the pitch and the trust of my teammates after the injury.

“I felt the support of the fans from the first day of pre-season, and every day I had people urging me to come back as soon as possible.

“The fans were really important for me, they really fired me up.

“I know I can do well, I have important qualities, so I try to be as calm as possible and let my talent come out.

“It’s obvious that there’s always pressure in Serie A, but I try to isolate myself from it and do my best.

“This is one of the best groups I’ve ever been a part of, there’s great unity and a spirit of sacrifice.

“We help each other, we sacrifice for each other, and even off the pitch there’s a great climate. All that’s thanks to [Carlo] Ancelotti.

“It’s a great honour to work with him, and really emotional. You can see his experience and that he’s worked with incredible champions.

“He’s really good at managing the group and the team on the pitch. He always helps us, he communicates with us a lot. He’s a very important figure.”

Meret was then quizzed whether he believes he and his teammates can win the Scudetto.

“We’ll definitely try, we can’t rule anything out. We work as hard as we can every Sunday and we’ll keep doing that.

“Juve aren’t dropping many points, but if they start dropping some more then we’re ready. We’ll see the table a bit alter, but obviously we believe because it’s still early.”