Mayor: ‘Milan stadium problems’

City mayor Giuliano Pisapia, believes ‘there are too many problems’ for Milan’s stadium plan to get off the ground.

The Rossoneri have won the right to build a new arena in the Portello area of the city, but are in dispute with Fondazione Fiera, the company which owns the land.

City mayor Giuliano Pisapia, believes ‘there are too many problems’ for Milan’s stadium plan to get off the ground.

The Rossoneri have won the right to build a new arena in the Portello area of the city, but are in dispute with Fondazione Fiera, the company which owns the land.

The next step would be to present plans to the city council for approval, but Pisapia doesn’t believe it will get that far.

“Milan’s plans have not yet been presented to the city,” the mayor told Telelombardia.

“I don’t know much, just what I’ve read in the newspapers. I get the impression that the project won’t be presented to the city council.

“I think there are too many problems. It can move forward, but it won’t be the city council which has the say, it’ll be the law.”

The Diavolo are in dispute with Fondazione Fiera over the cost of reclaiming the land, and while Tuttosport believes President Silvio Berlusconi will meet with the company in the coming days, the mayor’s words indicate the plan may be dead in the water.