Materazzi makes Zizou peace

Marco Materazzi has revealed that he has made peace with 2006 World Cup rival Zinedine Zidane.

Speaking in an interview with So Foot magazine, the Italian says the two have shaken hands after Zizou famously head-butted the defender during the Berlin Final five years ago.

Meeting by chance in Italy while Materazzi was visiting former Inter boss Jose Mourinho, the ex-Perugia stopper says he made the first move.

Marco Materazzi has revealed that he has made peace with 2006 World Cup rival Zinedine Zidane.

Speaking in an interview with So Foot magazine, the Italian says the two have shaken hands after Zizou famously head-butted the defender during the Berlin Final five years ago.

Meeting by chance in Italy while Materazzi was visiting former Inter boss Jose Mourinho, the ex-Perugia stopper says he made the first move.

"I reached out and I said 'listen, I'm sorry this happened, it's over.' He said 'no, no, no problem, do not worry.' We shook hands and that was it.

"Man to man is what is most beautiful, because to make peace for the sake of FIFA and before Sepp Blatter is just advertising.

"But making peace in the car park of a hotel, it was like two friends or two enemies meeting and shaking hands."

Despite clearing the air with the French icon, Materazzi added that he now wants to discuss the matter with FIFA.

"FIFA called me but did not allow my lawyer to discuss what happened with the committee," he explained.

"They just need to keep the reputation of Zidane and make me look like the bad guy," he continued.

"As Blatter speaks Italian I know we can exchange a few words quietly. Sooner or later it will happen…"