Masuaku or Vidal for Roma

Roma are reportedly interested in West Ham United’s Arthur Masuaku, as well as Aleix Vidal.

It was confirmed today by Vidal’s agent that the Barcelona full-back is a target for the Giallorossi, who are on the verge of selling Emerson Palmieri to Chelsea.

Now though Tuttomercatoweb is claiming that he’s not the only option, as the Lupi are also interested in Masuaku.

Roma are reportedly interested in West Ham United’s Arthur Masuaku, as well as Aleix Vidal.

It was confirmed today by Vidal’s agent that the Barcelona full-back is a target for the Giallorossi, who are on the verge of selling Emerson Palmieri to Chelsea.

Now though Tuttomercatoweb is claiming that he’s not the only option, as the Lupi are also interested in Masuaku.

Monaco and Manchester United are also keen on the Frenchman, who is valued at around €20m [£17.4m] by the Hammers.

Masuaku's agent has previously confirmed that his client would be keen to move to Serie A.