Martinez agent: ‘Anyone would like Milan’

Jackson Martinez’s agent talks up Milan links – ‘everyone would like to play there’ – but warns ‘nothing is certain’.

The Porto striker is believed to be close to the Rossoneri, and his agent gave Tuttomercatoweb an update on the deal.

“It’s very hard to say exactly where we stand,” Luiz Henrique Pompeo admitted.

“Milan were here, and we talked to them, but we haven’t found a definitive agreement. It could come in a few days.

Jackson Martinez’s agent talks up Milan links – ‘everyone would like to play there’ – but warns ‘nothing is certain’.

The Porto striker is believed to be close to the Rossoneri, and his agent gave Tuttomercatoweb an update on the deal.

“It’s very hard to say exactly where we stand,” Luiz Henrique Pompeo admitted.

“Milan were here, and we talked to them, but we haven’t found a definitive agreement. It could come in a few days.

“Jackson is a top player, there are a lot of teams after him, not just Milan.

“Every opportunity is important for Jackson, because we respect everyone who wants to talk to us. Nothing is certain, though Milan is a huge club, everyone would like to play there.

“I’m sure that they’ll return to being great with or without him.”

The Colombian international’s representative also insisted that money was not a factor in holding up the transfer.

“It’s normal [for it to take some time], it’s not just about money, but how important of a player Jackson is, but that applies to all of these kind of negotiations.

“It’s not a money problem, it’s normal that in a deal like this there has to be time to reflect, to think, to decide.

“If Milan were to take Jackson, it would be for him to become Serie A top scorer, therefore taking a long time over it is normal. But there’s no problem between us.”

Pompeo also commented on rumours Zlatan Ibrahimovic could join Martinez at San Siro if he were to move.

“Ibrahimovic is a great player,” the agent conceded.

“They’d make a great front-two, but we’re open to all teams.”