Marotta on Tevez-Boca reunion

Beppe Marotta insists Carlos Tevez is “in his natural habitat” at Juventus, but won’t rule out a return to Boca Juniors.

The Bianconeri director was asked about the rumours sparked by Tevez’s brother, who wrote several posts on Twitter implying an imminent move to his old club Boca.

“I have to say at this moment there is no reason for alarm, because he is very happy here, had the chance to rehabilitate himself as a professional and achieve great results as a consequence,” Marotta told Sky Sport Italia.

Beppe Marotta insists Carlos Tevez is “in his natural habitat” at Juventus, but won’t rule out a return to Boca Juniors.

The Bianconeri director was asked about the rumours sparked by Tevez’s brother, who wrote several posts on Twitter implying an imminent move to his old club Boca.

“I have to say at this moment there is no reason for alarm, because he is very happy here, had the chance to rehabilitate himself as a professional and achieve great results as a consequence,” Marotta told Sky Sport Italia.

“In my view there’s no reason to think of a divorce. It’s only logical that an Argentinean man will sooner or later want to become a protagonist again in his own country.”