Marotta: Hands down on Conte

Beppe Marotta has called for an end to the dispute between Juventus” data-scaytid=”3″>Juventus and Roma over comments exchanged between Coaches.

Beppe Marotta has called for an end to the dispute between Juventus and Roma over comments exchanged between Coaches.

Rudi Garcia’s call last week for opponents to up their game against the Bianconeri drew Antonio Conte’s ire and criticism that in turn saw the Giallorossi’s director general Mauro Baldissoni get involved.

Now though, the Old Lady’s dg has stepped in and has looked to put an end to the war of words.

“That’s enough, hands down on Conte, and no lessons from others, thanks,” Marotta has commented to the Gazzetta dello Sport this week.

“I can assure you that when Roma win, we will be the first to applaud.”