Claudio Marchisio tries to look on the bright side of both Italy’s defeat to the USA and the controversy between Milan and Juventus” data-scaytid=”27″>Juventus.

“It isn’t entirely worthless, as it remains a helpful experience,” the midfielder told Sky Sport Italia after last night’s 1-0 international friendly.

Claudio Marchisio tries to look on the bright side of both Italy’s defeat to the USA and the controversy between Milan and Juventus.

“It isn’t entirely worthless, as it remains a helpful experience,” the midfielder told Sky Sport Italia after last night’s 1-0 international friendly.

“It wasn’t a great evening, even if I wouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. The defeat to the USA was simply a step towards Euro 2012 this summer.”

Marchisio quoted an unlikely source when asked about the controversy surrounding Milan-Juve and the refereeing errors.

“As Jose Mourinho said, this type of game starts four days before kick-off and ends five days after the final whistle.

“Now we have all calmed down a bit, which is better, especially as we have to prepare for the next match. All we have in our minds now is the meeting with Chievo.

“I still say Milan are the Scudetto favourites, which we saw on Saturday night, as they do have something more than us. They have a better chance of winning and we already knew that.”

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