Claudio Marchisio praises Juventus’ “pride and commitment” but warns “the comeback is not complete”.

The Bianconeri endured a poor start to the defence of their title, but have now won four Serie A games in a row and climbed to fifth.

“The comeback is not complete,” Marchisio cautioned, speaking to JTV.

“To fight for the Scudetto there are still a lot of games for us and our opponents, the season is still long.

Claudio Marchisio praises Juventus’ “pride and commitment” but warns “the comeback is not complete”.

The Bianconeri endured a poor start to the defence of their title, but have now won four Serie A games in a row and climbed to fifth.

“The comeback is not complete,” Marchisio cautioned, speaking to JTV.

“To fight for the Scudetto there are still a lot of games for us and our opponents, the season is still long.

“Certainly the pride and commitment that we’ve shown, especially in the last month, is right for Juventus, that of a great team.

“At least in the last month we’ve found consistency, which is what we were missing, because there were excellent performances even in that [bad] period we had, but we weren’t getting wins one-after-another.

“It was a difficult start, because after four years… or actually you could say three, because for the first Scudetto [in 2012] there was a title race, because there was a point where Milan passed us and we had to get back up there.

“So in the last three years we’ve always had incredible starts, and we were always looking to see who could recover. Now it’s totally the opposite.

“So it was a new situation for everyone. Not just for us, but for the fans and for the whole place.

“But that should give us a lot of strength and energy to to continue as we have been in this last period, because the season is still long.”

Marchisio was then asked to assess the chances of the Old Lady climbing back to the top of the table.

“I’ll say again, it’s early. Also, those above us are having a great campaign, they’re playing really well and proving that they’re great teams who will fight until the end.

“We definitely got used to winning, but we’re behind now, and as I said before we’ll have to put a lot more in than we’ve done in recent years.

“So it’ll be difficult, but it’s always a goal for us.”


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