Kostas Manolas assures “I’m happy at Roma, I want to stay here” and hopes Alisson will stay with the club.

The Giallorossi reached the Champions League semi-finals last season, and are looking to compete both in Europe and in Serie A in the coming campaign.

“We’re working very hard, we know what we have to do with the Coach because we’ve been working the same way since last year,” Manolas explained to Sky.

Kostas Manolas assures “I’m happy at Roma, I want to stay here” and hopes Alisson will stay with the club.

The Giallorossi reached the Champions League semi-finals last season, and are looking to compete both in Europe and in Serie A in the coming campaign.

“We’re working very hard, we know what we have to do with the Coach because we’ve been working the same way since last year,” Manolas explained to Sky.

“We already know what the coach wants, now we just have to wait for the new signings to understand what Di Francesco wants to do.

“It’s important that they’re here from the start of pre-season. I've only seen a couple of training sessions, so I can’t say yet who has impressed me most, but they're all good lads who’ll give their best on the pitch.

“We’re strong, apart from [Radja] Nainggolan we’ve stayed the same. We’re ready, we can do even better than last year.

“My future? I’m happy at Roma, I want to stay here and I’m ready to give my all.

“Alisson? We hope he’ll stay, he’s on the very highest level and he helped us so much last year.”

Inevitably, the Greek centre-back was also asked about Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Juventus.

“The pitch will decide who is the strongest, they’re very strong but we need to see on the pitch. We’ll do our best.

“He’s one of the best in the world along with [Lionel] Messi, he’s won five Ballons d’Or and he’s scored over 100 goals in the Champions League.

“He’s a very good player but we can’t be afraid of anyone.

“Am I faster than him? The pitch will decide, I’m ready to challenge him.”


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