Mancini: ‘Milan clubs are back’

Roberto Mancini believes his Inter side and city rivals Milan ‘will be challenging for the top honours again’.

A first Derby della Madonnina will take place in China tomorrow, as the sides meet in a friendly, having both invested heavily in the transfer market.

Milan have brought in Carlos Bacca, Luiz Adriano and Andrea Bertolacci, while the Nerazzurri have strengthened with Geoffrey Kondogbia, Jeison Murillo, Miranda and Martin Montoya.

“This is a very important derby,” Mancini told a Press conference ahead of the match.

Roberto Mancini believes his Inter side and city rivals Milan ‘will be challenging for the top honours again’.

A first Derby della Madonnina will take place in China tomorrow, as the sides meet in a friendly, having both invested heavily in the transfer market.

Milan have brought in Carlos Bacca, Luiz Adriano and Andrea Bertolacci, while the Nerazzurri have strengthened with Geoffrey Kondogbia, Jeison Murillo, Miranda and Martin Montoya.

“This is a very important derby,” Mancini told a Press conference ahead of the match.

“For our fans and for us to get minutes under our belts. We're working to complete our attacking options. We want to play good football during the season.

“[Milan Coach Sinisa] Mihajlovic is a great friend of mine. I'm happy to meet him here for the first derby of the season. I'm sure both Milan clubs will be challenging for the top honours again.”