Mancini: ‘I learn from Smalling’

Gianluca Mancini says he is “proud” of Roma, urges the people of Atalanta to “never give up” and reveals he is learning from Chris Smalling.

Mancini spoke to Sky Sport Italia this evening about his life in lockdown as the outbreak of coronavirus sweeping Italy keeps football ground to a halt.

“My routine is to have breakfast and help my wife a little with household chores, seeing as I was never there before,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

Gianluca Mancini says he is “proud” of Roma, urges the people of Atalanta to “never give up” and reveals he is learning from Chris Smalling.

Mancini spoke to Sky Sport Italia this evening about his life in lockdown as the outbreak of coronavirus sweeping Italy keeps football ground to a halt.

“My routine is to have breakfast and help my wife a little with household chores, seeing as I was never there before,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

“I then have lunch, before starting the work programme that Roma sent us. The other day we had a team video call, there were 30 of us.

“We were updated on what we had to do at home. They sent us new programmes with an eating plan because, as we’re not training on the field, we have to follow a careful plan.

“It’s important we maintain our physical condition in the best way because we miss playing on the pitch, as it is staying at home and following the guidance the government has given us.”

The Giallorossi have been busy helping out during the crisis, from collecting donations to giving out masks and hand sanitiser.

“I’m very proud of my club. Roma have launched a donation campaign for Spallanzani hospital. The objective is to reach €500,000.

“Us players and the coaching staff have participated in this initiative because it has affected us a lot and we want to be involved.

“Roma Cares, in the last few days, has also donated 13,000 masks and sanitising gel. On the charity’s website, there’s everything you need to know about donating.

“It’s important to do it at a time of great difficulty for the whole country.”

The 23-year-old, until last summer, played for Atalanta in Bergamo, where COVID-19 has been particularly rife.

“Bergamo is experiencing a surreal and particularly difficult situation. I’m sorry for its people and I send them a big hug, telling them to never give up.

“They’re a great bunch of people and they surely know how to bounce back from a very difficult situation.”

Finally, Mancini had some words of praise for his defensive partner Smalling, who is currently on loan from Manchester United.

“It’s been positive. It’s true that I’ve made some mistakes in the second part of the season, but it’s all part of my development and therefore I’m trying to improve myself, not repeating the same mistakes.

“Having Smalling next to me is very helpful, he gives me advice and helps me improve. I listen to him because he has great experience and I have to take something from his game.”