Mancini honours Vialli as Leeds owner Radrizzani buys Samp – picture

Roberto Mancini honoured his friend Gianluca Vialli after Andrea Radrizzani completed Sampdoria‘s takeover: ‘The first thought is for you.’

Radrizzani completed the Blucerchiati’s takeover on Tuesday saving the club from bankruptcy.

Italy coach and Samp legend Mancini celebrated on Instagram with a story dedicated to Vialli, his former teammate at Marassi.

“The first thought is for you,” wrote the Italy CT on Wednesday, sharing a picture of Vialli celebrating in a Samp shirt. Vialli died of pancreatic cancer this past January, aged 58.

He and Mancini had won Sampdoria’s first and only Serie A title in 1990-91, losing the European Cup’s Final against Barcelona the following season.

Radrizzani will continue at Leeds despite Premier League relegation and revealed his plans for the English club’s future on Wednesday night.