Man Utd £31m for Fiorentina’s Cuadrado?

Sky Sport Italia claim Manchester United offer €40m plus add-ons for Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”3″>Fiorentina star Juan Guillermo Cuadrado.

According to this evening’s reports in Italy, Louis Van Gaal has set his sights firmly on the Colombian winger.

Sky Sport Italia claim Manchester United offer €40m plus add-ons for Fiorentina star Juan Guillermo Cuadrado.

According to this evening’s reports in Italy, Louis Van Gaal has set his sights firmly on the Colombian winger.

The manager boosted those rumours by commenting on Cuadrado in a Press conference.

“I cannot talk about Cuadrado, because if I say something about him the price will rise.”

Now Italian media claim Manchester United are preparing a formal offer to Fiorentina worth €40m (£31.7m) plus add-ons.

This is still below the Viola’s asking price of at least €50m (£39.6m), but they are hoping to get a foot in the door before Barcelona can make their move.