According to reports in Italy, Paolo Maldini and Ricky Massara have received the final contract offer from Milan.

Both directors see their deals expire at midnight. They arrived at the club’s headquarters in the morning and according to Gazzetta dello Sport, Milannews and, they have received the final contract offer from club owners.

The problem between Maldini and Milan is not about the money. On the contrary, the former defender wants more decision-making power and expects a bigger transfer budget for the summer.

There had been reports that Maldini would have signed his contract many days ago, but the signature has been repeatedly pushed back as Maldini wants guarantees over his role at the club in the coming years.

Gazzetta specifies that the copy of the contract sent to Maldini and Massara in the morning is not a draft but the final version of the agreement offered by Elliott, who are still in charge until September, when the takeover from RedBird will be complete.

According to all reports, there is optimism that Maldini and Massara will eventually put pen to paper on a new agreement with the Rossoneri.

9 thought on “Maldini and Massara receive final contract offer from Milan”
  1. “According to reports in Italy” = scroll and find another article that may have substance.

    Can’t fathom that they have waited to the last day to get this done ?

  2. I already wrote on FI in the comments section on his first interview that Maldini was already ‘out of here’, so to speak. He did not leave with Boban because of his love and self-respect, but from that interview with Gazetta dello Sport, he let all cannons loose.

    I will not be surprised if he does not renew. The way the italians on this board have been treated is way below satisfactory.

    Forza Milan

  3. Give M&M what they want, bring back Boban and then stay out of the way until RedBird take over in September. Thanks, Elliott.

  4. I would not blame both esp Maldini if he were to leave. From winning the scudetto, to just being content with the current plan is very worrying. Inter are reinforcing and I am sure Juve will follow suit. No point in looking at the past. We should have sold to the Arabs, but with the ownership not formalised, this is not going to turn out as many expected.

  5. Selling our beloved club to this group of Americans is like heading to a disastrous point… I will have preferred the Arab that has the heart to spend money.

  6. On paper, I’m okay with the deal to sell to Redbird given their diverse sporting experience and success with Liverpool. But I share the uneasiness that today a final contract comes…seems like an ultimatum rather than a negotiation. I hope Sig. Maldini stays.

  7. Hopefully they stay.. Would have been alot better to sell to the Arabs and at least one thing is guaranteed is that they invest heavily on clubs but it was so unfortunately to keep seeing many fans says their money is dirty money because of their poor women’s right and I just could not understand how that’s related to football considering many big clubs now are owned by them and all the countries going there for the next world Cup and no one seems to care and now after winning the Scudetto, we are back wondering what next while inter is reinforcing.. Just a pity!

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