Malago: ‘Juventus case shows sporting justice system works’

CONI President Marco Malagò insists the 10-point Serie A penalty to Juventus ‘proves the sporting justice system works.’

The club was docked the points for artificially inflating transfer fees to boost capital gains, reduced from the original 15-point verdict.

They also agreed a plea bargain for further charges, including the so-called salary manoeuvre, in return for promising not to make any more appeals.

“The Juventus situation, considering the way it concluded, certainly proves that the sporting justice system works in collaboration with the civil justice system,” said Malagò at the CONI meeting.

The months of to and fro over the points penalty and ever-changing scenarios had a knock-on effect for who qualified for the Champions League, Europa League and Conference League.

There have been proposals to reform the sporting justice system in order to speed up the process.

“A document on that is ready, but clearly any change would have to be aimed towards the next season. There is the matter of it taking time, but that too is a guarantee for those who need to lodge an appeal and therefore need time to study the papers.”