Christian Maggio insists “there’s no need to worry” after Italy were held 2-2 by Haiti ahead of the Confederations Cup.

“There’s no need to worry. Something didn’t work and we need to be more careful, but I’m sure we can work on those issues in training,” the Napoli man told Rai Sport.

Christian Maggio insists “there’s no need to worry” after Italy were held 2-2 by Haiti ahead of the Confederations Cup.

“There’s no need to worry. Something didn’t work and we need to be more careful, but I’m sure we can work on those issues in training,” the Napoli man told Rai Sport.

“We have a very reliable and professional squad, so there are another four days in which we can find our best fitness levels for the Confederations Cup.

“At Coverciano we did specific fitness work and much of it in the gym. With that and the long journey, as we arrived yesterday, we weren’t at our best.

“I remain convinced we will be ready for the start of the Confederations Cup. On paper Haiti are far inferior, so this result has to make us reflect on the situation. At the same time, it’s important to stay calm.”

Ignazio Abate started at right-back in Friday’s World Cup qualifier against the Czech Republic, so has he become the first choice ahead of Maggio?

“No, I don’t see that. The Coach fields who is in the best shape and it is good to have healthy competition for starting places. The important thing is to ensure you are ready when called upon and always give your best.”

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