‘Maggio decision soon’

Christian Maggio’s agent says his Napoli future will be decided one way or the other ‘in the coming weeks’, and discusses Inter links.

The right-back’s contract expires at the end of the season, and to date there has been no decision over whether he will renew his contract with the Partenopei, but the player’s representative promises a decision soon.

“We’re talking with Napoli about a renewal,” Massimo Briaschi revealed in an interview with Radio CRC.

Christian Maggio’s agent says his Napoli future will be decided one way or the other ‘in the coming weeks’, and discusses Inter links.

The right-back’s contract expires at the end of the season, and to date there has been no decision over whether he will renew his contract with the Partenopei, but the player’s representative promises a decision soon.

“We’re talking with Napoli about a renewal,” Massimo Briaschi revealed in an interview with Radio CRC.

“In the coming weeks we’ll have the final picture, I think we’ll have a final agreement soon, but I don’t know if it will be positive or not.

“Maggio has been at Napoli for eight years, he’s had several chances to change teams, but has never raised the issue.

“Inter? I don’t know. We’re talking, and in the coming weeks we’ll know more.”