Lazio President Claudio Lotito has aimed another sideswipe at former coach Igor Tudor. ‘He only achieved something I’ve done 15 or 16 times, qualifying for Europe.’

The Aquile are ready to sign Marco Baroni as their new boss on a two-year contract, as Tudor tended his resignation just three months after taking over from Maurizio Sarri.

The Croatian walked away, having completely failed to agree on a transfer strategy with Lotito and the directorial staff.

“People say Tudor did really well, taking Lazio into the Europa League,” Lotito told Dotsport via the Corriere dello Sport.

“In reality, since I have been here the club has gone into Europe 15 or 16 times, so he only achieved something I already did. Coaches and players can be replaced, they are all useful, but nobody is indispensable.

“What really counts is that the club is solid.”

Lotito hits out at Tudor

Lazio finished seventh in the Serie A table and put together six wins, three draws and two defeats between the league and Coppa Italia under Tudor.

Lotito had complained that Tudor wanted him to change at least eight players in the current squad, whereas new boss Baroni is more inclined to accept the team as it is.

Lazio fans are planning a protest next Sunday against the President, who they claim is unambitious and that former Verona coach Baroni is unsuited to the role.

6 thought on “Lotito blasts Tudor again after Lazio resignation”
  1. It is neither lotito or Tudor’s fault. Lazio as a club have a financial limit and they can’t go beyond it. if they do, they know the consequences. So how does it go? Lazio overachieve, making the top and then the next season they’re unable to reinforce properly to compete across 3 competitions. So they disappoint in Europe and regress in the league. Manager gets the chop, someone new comes in and again they overachieve followed by regression. Tudor probably asked the club to spend money they don’t have and so he’s gone.

  2. When you hear such thoughts, what can you say but, “That’s our old schifoso, Claudio Lotito.”

  3. Honestly I think its time lotito sells the club, he has done what he can do but now lazio needs to move to the next phase and it can’t be with this man..

  4. Lotito is the worst president of all time. He has destroyed Lazio and will keep on destroying it and robb lazio from all money. I hope the protest really makes a impact. Everyone should boycot all season tickets.

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