Sampdoria’s” data-scaytid=”1″>Sampdoria’s Maxi Lopez says he came close to signing for Lazio” data-scaytid=”2″>Lazio ahead of the match between the sides this weekend.

Sampdoria’s Maxi Lopez says he came close to signing for Lazio ahead of the match between the sides this weekend.

The Argentine added that the ongoing stand-off between fans and President Claudio Lotito at Stadio Olimpico could work in his team’s favour on Sunday.

“Other than its historical significance, for me personally the Olimpico is a very important ground,” Lopez told Il Secolo XIX.

“I scored my first ever goal in Italy there while playing for Catania. It was also Catania’s first ever away win over Lazio and in the opposing technical area was Mihajlovic!

“I was also very close to signing for Lazio, but in the end negotiations broke down and I went to Catania.

“On Sunday we will go to the Olimipco knowing what our strengths are. We want to improve our league position.

“We will play to win and if the Lazio fans aren’t there, that will only be better for us.”

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