Lopez: ‘Came running for Cagliari’

Diego Lopez had no doubts about returning to Cagliari – “as soon as I got the call I came running”.

The Coach has returned for a second spell on the Isolani bench, spent 12 seasons with the Sardinian side as a player, making 342 appearances between 1998 and 2010.

“This isn’t just any team for me,” Lopez said at his presentation.

“When I got the call on Sunday I immediately thought of going to Cagliari. I won’t hide that when I was coaching other teams, I always thought about Cagliari.

Diego Lopez had no doubts about returning to Cagliari – “as soon as I got the call I came running”.

The Coach has returned for a second spell on the Isolani bench, spent 12 seasons with the Sardinian side as a player, making 342 appearances between 1998 and 2010.

“This isn’t just any team for me,” Lopez said at his presentation.

“When I got the call on Sunday I immediately thought of going to Cagliari. I won’t hide that when I was coaching other teams, I always thought about Cagliari.

“As soon as I got the call I came running.

“I’ve seen the team on TV, but that’s one thing, training is another. The first training session was good, but we need to make sure that’s maintained.

“I’ve always followed Cagliari when I was elsewhere, and I’ve seen the growth of the team and the club.

“Even the people in Palermo spoke about Cagliari’s growth.

“We need to be together as a team for the fans who make so many sacrifices to come to the stadium to see us.

“We need to respect the shirt and give everything in every game. That’s what I want to transmit to the team.”