Liverani blames ‘tsunami’ Zamparini

Fabio Liverani claims the “tsunami” that is Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini “sucked harmony out of the team with constant conflict.”

The patron is well known for his very vocal and public criticism of players as well as Coaches.

Fabio Liverani claims the “tsunami” that is Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini “sucked harmony out of the team with constant conflict.”

The patron is well known for his very vocal and public criticism of players as well as Coaches.

He also fired Delio Rossi only to recall him a month later when Serse Cosmi was axed, while director of sport Walter Sabatini – now at Roma – was also dismissed.

“Constant conflict inevitably takes something out of you in the long run,” Liverani told Mediagol.

“While Sabatini was there as a buffer, there were no problems, but when he left the Zamparini tsunami hit us full force.

“One day he would strike out at me, the next Rossi, then Federico Balzaretti, or Fabrizio Miccoli, then Cesare Bovo

“When you insult someone every week, it's inevitable the harmony is sucked out of the team. That harmony can be worth an extra seven or eight points over the course of a season.

“I know he's the President and the club owner, so it's his money he invests in the squad, but there are better ways of expressing yourself. For example, keep the locker room unity by not publicly insulting a different player every day.

“Similar things happened two years ago with Fabio Simplicio and Mark Bresciano. This sort of attitude does not help the squad, regardless of who is insulted.

“Sabatini was important in his role as a filter between Zamparini and the team. Criticism should be done to your face, not through newspapers and television.”

Liverani's contract was not renewed after a series of injuries, ending his three-year spell at Palermo.