Stephan Lichtsteiner expects a tough match in store for Juventus” data-scaytid=”2″>Juventus this weekend as they attempt to bounce back from recent disappointment.

Stephan Lichtsteiner expects a tough match in store for Juventus this weekend as they attempt to bounce back from recent disappointment.

The Bianconeri have struggled in previous games to break through against weaker opposition, only edging Lecce 1-0 in Week 17 and then dropping two points at home to Cagliari” data-scaytid=”6″>Cagliari last weekend in a 1-1 draw.

Whilst that latest result still returned the team to the top of the table, Swiss full-back Lichtsteiner believes that focus must remain on hard work.

“So far we have been good, but we have not won anything yet. We lost two points last Sunday but still showed fight.

“Now we must look ahead and try to turn things around on Saturday. Against Atalanta it will not be easy, as the Bergamo side have performed excellently at home.

“We will have to be aggressive, play to our pace of the game and stay alert in defence.”

Lichtsteiner, who recently turned 28, believes that it is not just the back-line that are responsible for the team’s strong defensive showing this season. The Old Lady have conceded just 12 goals this season.

“The credit belongs to the whole team because everyone covers and works in the same direction. We must continue on this road.

“In the last two games we have not been as brilliant as usual, but there are no physical or psychological problems.

“I see all my teammates are fit and I don’t think any are taking it easy.”


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