‘Less than 10 loans for each team’

Juventus President Andrea Agnelli says FIFA plans to ‘drastically’ shake up the loan system so each team send out ‘less than 10 players’.

FIFA is expected to make changes as big clubs are stockpiling increasing quantities of young talent and farming them out to smaller sides, and Agnelli revealed by just how much.

“Reserve teams exist throughout Europe. Only in England is it an exception,” he said at a Lega Pro meeting.

Juventus President Andrea Agnelli says FIFA plans to ‘drastically’ shake up the loan system so each team send out ‘less than 10 players’.

FIFA is expected to make changes as big clubs are stockpiling increasing quantities of young talent and farming them out to smaller sides, and Agnelli revealed by just how much.

“Reserve teams exist throughout Europe. Only in England is it an exception,” he said at a Lega Pro meeting.

“I find it crucial for a lad aged 19, 20, 21 to take hits from a 35-year-old. That allows them to grow.

“The results obtained by others are there for all to see. If we look at the winners of World Cups or European Championships in recent years, a lot of their players were formed in reserve teams.

“These examples must make us think when we’re looking for the right formula. The other element is to be aware of work being done, which FIFA is doing with regards to transfers.

“Loans are under the magnifying glass because big teams are signing the best youngsters and then sending them out on loan.

“FIFA will regulate the loan system by drastically limiting the numbers so each team loan out less than 10 players.”