‘Less Milan passion without Silvio’

Former Milan goalkeeper Massimo Taibi believes there will be less of a family feel around the club without Silvio Berlusconi.

The Rossoneri President turned 80 on Thursday but his tenure at San Siro is coming to an end after he agreed to sell the club to a Chinese consortium during the summer.

“I have extraordinary memories of him,” Taibi said to Tuttomercatoweb.com. “He is a man who would involve you, support you and make you feel part of the family.

Former Milan goalkeeper Massimo Taibi believes there will be less of a family feel around the club without Silvio Berlusconi.

The Rossoneri President turned 80 on Thursday but his tenure at San Siro is coming to an end after he agreed to sell the club to a Chinese consortium during the summer.

“I have extraordinary memories of him,” Taibi said to Tuttomercatoweb.com. “He is a man who would involve you, support you and make you feel part of the family.

“He is a person of great culture and great heart. Without him there will be a less passionate Milan with less of a family feel.”

The former shot-stopper, who had two spells with the Rossoneri during the 1990s, then praised the success achieved by the club during Berlusconi’s tenure but admitted Milan have downsized of late.

“Berlusconi’s Milan have made history in world football, having started from scratch. I remember as a fan the first Champions League won under Sacchi. That paved the way for splendid success.

“Milan nowadays have clearly downsized, also due to the fact the President has been more detached because of various problems, some due to health.”

Finally, Taibi expressed his hope that Vincenzo Montella’s team can return the club to former glories under their new ownership.

 “With the Chinese they can get back on the same path as the great Milan teams. At least, that is the hope.”