Legrottaglie open to Australia

Catania defender Nicola Legrottaglie admits he would love to follow Alessandro Del Piero’s footsteps by ending his career in Australia.

Catania defender Nicola Legrottaglie admits he would love to follow Alessandro Del Piero’s footsteps by ending his career in Australia.

The pair were teammates at Juventus” data-scaytid=”19″>Juventus and Legrottaglie has said before he’d like to travel Australia after he retires from football, becoming a full-time Born Again Christian preacher.

“I haven’t spoken to the club yet,” the 36-year-old told La Repubblica as his contract expires in June.

“I am happy here and would never push to leave, but if the club decides not to make me a proposal, then I would evaluate others, even if they were abroad.

“The idea of Australia fascinates me. Age does not matter, as I am in good shape and take it one year at a time.

“We can’t hide it anymore, Catania are challenging with other teams for the Europa League spots. I want us to qualify for Europe and that means not being content with a draw, but always pushing for victory.”