Offices were raided in multiple cities all over Italy today, report La Stampa, as part of the investigation into potential Juventus financial fraud based on private contracts with players.

The Guardia di Finanza – Italy’s financial police – raided the offices in Turin, Milan and Rome this afternoon, on the orders of magistrates Marco Gianoglio, Ciro Santoriello and Mario Bendoni.

According to La Stampa newspaper, they were seeking paperwork related to private contracts agreed between the club and individual players over salaries and bonuses.

These were agreements to spread out four months of wages due to the COVID-19 crisis and help Juventus balance their books.

It is precisely this balancing of the books that concerns the GdF, who want to make sure everything is above board.

The investigation into possible fraud was started in December and it seems as if these contracts were not kept in the Juventus offices, but rather with lawyers in Turin, Milan and Rome.

13 thought on “Legal offices raided as part of Juventus fraud investigation”
  1. Before you trolls come here pointing fingers wait for the article that pops up a few weeks or months clarifying everything is above aboard and no wrong doing has taken place. Typical! How many clubs offered to defer or spread wages during covid? Why not raid their offices too?

  2. No need to panic Juventus are the biggest club in the land and Agnelli is the master of moving a few decimal points here and there. I still do not know how they found the money for Vlahovic. No worries though as even Villarreal took them to the cleaners on a shoe string budget compared to the bigger clubs.

  3. Another week, another scandal, another new low for this club. I doubt there’s another club in the world that is this morally corrupt

  4. Another week, and another day where inter Fans crawl out of their hole while they are no point better. I love it. Inter cunts

  5. Yes, Samy, total deflection from the problems in their own camp. Good luck staying in CL places.

  6. Time to relegate that filth of the club to Serie D! Shame for calcio, shame for Itali and whole fotboll world.

  7. Guess that the juve fanboys will blame Inter like last time. Surely chinese owners are behind everything and juventus is allways innocent😂😂
    God knows how much scudettos Agnellis have stolen. Their dna!

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