Lazio: ‘No Inzaghi-Lotito problem’

Lazio’s spokesman insists “there’s no conflict” between President Claudio Lotito and Coach Simone Inzaghi, claiming there’s an agenda against the club.

A video emerged this morning of the Biancocelesti owner appearing to tell his Coach “you’re always complaining about everything”.

Lazio’s spokesman insists “there’s no conflict” between President Claudio Lotito and Coach Simone Inzaghi, claiming there’s an agenda against the club.

A video emerged this morning of the Biancocelesti owner appearing to tell his Coach “you’re always complaining about everything”.

The club has threatened legal action, and spokesman Arturo Diaconale expanded on the earlier statement on RMC Sport.

“At the beginning of this season it’s particularly ‘hot’ against Lazio,” he said.

“All events are blown out of proportion and robbed of their specific meanings. The first aspect is included in the statement: it’s not acceptable for a private conversation to be filmed and distributed in this way.

“We must defend everyone’s right to privacy: we’ll proceed with the legal route.

“The other point is related to the content. It’s part of a normal discussion between a President and a Coach.

“Every Coach wants to have 11 Ronaldos, and at the same time a President sometimes has to say that it’s not possible.

“There is no conflict between Lotito and Inzaghi, there was a discussion but it doesn’t affect their relationship and I hope it will not disturb the team on the eve of a delicate match.

“Claudio Lotito is a passionate guy, we all know that, he can get caught up in a heated discussion in the moment, then after a minute return completely to normal.

“The relationship is completely normal, it would be absurd if there wasn’t this dialogue.

“You can’t transform normal discussions into a Third World War. We concluded the transfer market with the full satisfaction of the Coach, having resisted overtures for Milinkovic-Savic.

“Inzaghi is one of the most balanced people I know, on Friday he’l be asked questions in the Press conference, but we do not want to further fuel this story.

“In the past few days two storms have been unleashed, there’s a climate of tension which has been created externally.

“This story about the flyers is a nonsense which has been turned into an act of racism. Every prejudice must be condemned, but we must always have common sense.

“This only happens to Lazio, we’re at the beginning of the season after repeated events last year that tried to influence the course of our season.

“I’m against suspicion, but even if to think badly is a sin, something you must do it.

“We feel the pressure from the media, I understand my fellow journalists but I’d hope the attention on us would be free of prejudice.

“There are a number of factors that intertwine and give rise to things that hurt Lazio.

“The director general of the FIGC called for drastic measures over the flyers, someone with his responsibility should be more balanced.

“We find ourselves in a difficult situation, sentences are already being hypothesised.

“I ask everyone for balance and common sense, all opinions are legitimate, but the events must be reported with the proper dimension.”