Lazio fans banned from travelling to Marseille: ‘An insult to the fans and the club’

Lazio have responded to the French authorities after the Biancocelesti fans were banned from travelling for the match against Marseille. ‘An unacceptable insult to the supporters and the club’.

The French authorities have decided to stop Lazio fans from travelling for the Europa League clash at the Velodrome on Thursday.

The motives are questionable and the Aquile took a stand by replying to the decision with a harsh response.

“The decision of the French authorities to prohibit, as a precaution, the trip to the city of Marseille for Lazio fans is not surprising and is in line with what has already been decided by the Italian authorities in the first leg,” the club said in a statement.

“Rather, the methods of application of the ordinance on a national scale and its unjustifiable reasons (which were also reported on national news) are surprising.

“Lazio cannot accept a free insult to all the Biancoceleste fans and to the club itself, which has always fought violent behaviour and any kind of discrimination inside and outside the stadiums, with concrete actions.

“Società Sportiva Lazio have always put in place initiatives aimed at promoting the fundamental values of sport and overcoming all barriers of a social, cultural, economic, ethnic and religious nature, as has been widely recognised even at the highest institutional levels.

“We have also seen that violence in stadiums is unfortunately still widespread and a worrying phenomenon, starting with what happened recently at the Velodrome in Marseille.

“We therefore expect a clarification from the French institutions and a clear stance of our diplomacy towards expressions of indignation that should indignant all Italians, regardless of whether they are fans or not, and the colours of their flags.”