Lazio have responded to the French authorities after the Biancocelesti fans were banned from travelling for the match against Marseille. ‘An unacceptable insult to the supporters and the club’.

The French authorities have decided to stop Lazio fans from travelling for the Europa League clash at the Velodrome on Thursday.

The motives are questionable and the Aquile took a stand by replying to the decision with a harsh response.

“The decision of the French authorities to prohibit, as a precaution, the trip to the city of Marseille for Lazio fans is not surprising and is in line with what has already been decided by the Italian authorities in the first leg,” the club said in a statement.

“Rather, the methods of application of the ordinance on a national scale and its unjustifiable reasons (which were also reported on national news) are surprising.

“Lazio cannot accept a free insult to all the Biancoceleste fans and to the club itself, which has always fought violent behaviour and any kind of discrimination inside and outside the stadiums, with concrete actions.

“Società Sportiva Lazio have always put in place initiatives aimed at promoting the fundamental values of sport and overcoming all barriers of a social, cultural, economic, ethnic and religious nature, as has been widely recognised even at the highest institutional levels.

“We have also seen that violence in stadiums is unfortunately still widespread and a worrying phenomenon, starting with what happened recently at the Velodrome in Marseille.

“We therefore expect a clarification from the French institutions and a clear stance of our diplomacy towards expressions of indignation that should indignant all Italians, regardless of whether they are fans or not, and the colours of their flags.”

22 thought on “Lazio fans banned from travelling to Marseille: ‘An insult to the fans and the club’”
  1. Somebody has to put these shameless racist Lazio fans where they belong. Thanks to Marseille, we will not experience another pro nazi display somewhere I’m Europe

  2. Lazio fasicst have no business in france. Especially in a multicultural place like marseille.
    Let them stay in rome together with the roma fans until they can sort out the racism problems.

  3. @Rossoneri…

    Not all Lazio fans are racist. Plus, Lazio should do the same to France.


    No…you can experience the Islamification of France. Try living inder Sharia law and see how you like it.

  4. @Vittorio…

    Nazism isn’t heritage, it’s a disgrace. Only cowards and traitors defend it. Let’s welcome true football fans and give racism the boot.

  5. France is losing it’s French identity as a result of it’s toleeance toward Islamification. A people who are unwilling to defend their national identity will be sure to eventually lose it.

    Thank God for the Polish, Hungarian, Greek and Slavic governments attempting to protect their Christian and European identities. We can only hooe that more Italians will do tge same for our glorious culture.

  6. @vittorio You sound like one of them because no reasonable human being will have any reason to support those who embrace Nazism publicly, you should be ashamed you are Italian when fellow Italians go to Scotland streets to show pro nazi gestures as if they were dancing disco.

  7. @James…

    1. Call me what you wish. It teally does not matter.

    2. Just pointing out that France is losing her identity as is England as distinct European countries.

    3. Tge governments I mentioned are trying to protect their cultural and religious identities.

    4. Try living in Saudi Arabia to determine how multicultural Saudi society is presently.

  8. Dont feed the troll…theres a person running around attempting to gas light this whole site. He suffers from paranoid delusions and likely too afraid to actually voice his opinion in public given how toxic it is so he posts endlessly on an anon calcio blog. Dont take the bait and move on.

  9. @James, are you writing because you have nothing to do? Your opinions are ignorant, to say the least.

    France is already on it’s way to have a Muslim majority by 2040, I hope you live to get to see what it will look like. The “intelectual capital” of the world looks more like a pissoar (public pissing place)(excuse my French), and this in less than 100 years.

    Good luck to the minority French citizens in their own country.

  10. Vittorio is not wrong, one just has to check the neonatal department of a hospital in Western Europe to see it’s future. Kudos indeed to Hungary and Eastern Europe. But let’s be serious, the Nazi salute is embarrasing. Enough with that already.

    Incidentally, Marsielle already played their match at Lazio (which is what prompted this measure).

    Having said that, Marsielle fans are not innocent themselves as was seen against in the PSG match 2 weeks ago with that pitch invasion.

  11. @Sam…

    1. Namecalling adds nothing of value to your comments.

    2. Dangerboy is correct when citing current and projected birth demographics esp. for France and England.

    3. Dangerboy is also correct when stating that the Nazi salute has to go.

    4. @James and Sam… please explain where, statistically, the projected birth demographics will NOT result, at current trends, in the native French and English populations to becoming a numerical minority in their respective native countries.

    5. @James and Sam…

    Would you like to live in Saudi Arabia? There is a guarantee that the freedoms we take for granted in the West are less than those afforded in the Arabian penninsula. That remains a fact even with some recent reforms enacted by the Saudi monarchy.

  12. @Burky…

    1. Thank you for making well reasoned and clearly written responses.

    2. Thank you, as well, for engaging in constructive discussion.

    3. I would suspect that you, yourself, would agree that namecalling adds nothing of substantive value which is why you seem to appteciate reasoned discussion.

  13. @Dangerboy…

    1. Thank you for the added insight that Marseille already played
    Lazio at the Olimpico and thus a reason for their approach.

    2. Again, you are more insightful than I and I sincerely appreciate your level of knowledge about futball and matters of interpersonal dialogue. Thank you, sir.

  14. @Dangerboy

    You are not going to get to name Hungarians fascists mate. Nor Lazio fans generally because you see, a minority of them do those salutes not the majority.

    The majority do need to be more vocal against though, that is for sure and they are but you might not know about the actions taken by certain factions (who btw are best buddies with say Celtic fans who are an arch enemy), however if you only see the bad apples you tend to say they all rotten.

    But most importantly people do get more educated and hopefully teach their children better. M2nd you multiculturalism is not necesarely a good value, it inevitably leads to globalization and anihilation of the the thing that made those numerous cultures to begin with. Got my point ? Than let France be France, and same for England and so on.

    (It’s 3am here so I apologise if I wasn’t clear enough)

  15. the hell is this comments about being scared of Islam or Islamification??
    @Vittorio is so proud of his ‘European’ gene and talking about losing identity as European identities and talking like he already lived in Arabian country? Bruh, are you being racist here?

  16. Burky,

    Pretty sure I didn’t label Hungarians fascists.

    Not that I follow Politics a great deal, but Orban and some others in that region don’t kowtow as easily as Western Politicians. That’s what I meant to convey.

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