Congratulations are in order for Lazio and Italy defender Francesco Acerbi, who after twice being diagnosed with testicular cancer, has welcomed his baby daughter Vittoria.

The name was probably no accident, as the birth of his first child after two bouts of cancer will feel like a victory for the centre-back.

He posted an image on Instagram of him holding the tiny bundle in his arms, still wearing surgical scrubs, after partner Claudia had just given birth.

The 33-year-old had a very special 2021, winning UEFA EURO 2020 with Italy and becoming a father.

Acerbi was first diagnosed with testicular cancer during a medical for his transfer to Sassuolo in July 2013, when doctors flagged up some irregularities in his blood tests.

He underwent treatment to remove the tumour, but it returned in December 2013, again discovered by accident when he failed a doping test for high levels of a hormone caused by the cancer.

More intensive treatment was required and he did not return to the field until the 2014-15 season, but has not looked back since.

5 thought on “Lazio and Italy defender Acerbi becomes father after cancer fight”
  1. Good summer for him. Euro champion, new baby, Lazio seems poised for strong run. A “good guy” who visits sick kids in hospitals. Very happy for him!!!

  2. Acerbi played very well at the Euros. Reliable and I am very pleased for him. Auguroni a te e Claudia per la vostra bellissima bambina.

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