Lavezzi to PSG confirmation?

Ezequiel Lavezzi’s imminent transfer from Napoli to PSG is confirmed from unusual sources, including Roberto Sosa and Javier Pastore’s girlfriend on Twitter.

Ezequiel Lavezzi’s imminent transfer from Napoli to PSG is confirmed from unusual sources, including Roberto Sosa and Javier Pastore’s girlfriend on Twitter.

The reports were confident that a deal has been struck between the clubs for €27.5m plus performance-related bonuses and the profits from an August friendly match.

“Chatting to Lavezzi via text messages, I found out the news I hoped to the end I would not receive: the agreement with Paris Saint-Germain is done,” fellow Argentine and ex-Napoli player Sosa told Sky Sport Italia.

“The rumours of the last few days were unfortunately true. It will be tough for Napoli to replace him.”

Another source confirmed the news, as PSG player Pastore’s girlfriend Chiara Picone congratulated Lavezzi’s partner Yanina Screpante via Twitter.

“I’m happy you are coming to Paris. We’re waiting for you and we’ll spend some fun times together.”