Lavezzi loses ban appeal

Ezequiel Lavezzi's three-match ban will stand after new evidence was used in the Napoli striker's appeal.

The player was suspended for three Serie A rounds when he was caught on camera spitting at Roma's Aleandro Rosi.

Both players were guilty of the offence and banned for three games, but Lavezzi appealed against the decision, claiming Rosi spat at him first.

“We ran into a strange and unexpected situation during the appeal,” Napoli's lawyer Paolo Rodella told Sky Sport Italia.

Ezequiel Lavezzi's three-match ban will stand after new evidence was used in the Napoli striker's appeal.

The player was suspended for three Serie A rounds when he was caught on camera spitting at Roma's Aleandro Rosi.

Both players were guilty of the offence and banned for three games, but Lavezzi appealed against the decision, claiming Rosi spat at him first.

“We ran into a strange and unexpected situation during the appeal,” Napoli's lawyer Paolo Rodella told Sky Sport Italia.

“There was new footage. We don't know why the court rejected our appeal, so cannot say whether this new footage swayed their judgement.

“If that was the case, the footage could not be considered, because it was not used in the original inquest.”