Lahoz to referee Juve-Monaco

Spanish referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz has been assigned to officiate over Juventus’ Champions League semi-final clash with Monaco.

The first leg takes place at the Stade Louis II on Wednesday evening, kick off is at 19:45 UK time.

Lahoz was in charge when Juventus defeated Borussia Dortmund over two legs in the round of 16 back in February 2015.

Spanish referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz has been assigned to officiate over Juventus’ Champions League semi-final clash with Monaco.

The first leg takes place at the Stade Louis II on Wednesday evening, kick off is at 19:45 UK time.

Lahoz was in charge when Juventus defeated Borussia Dortmund over two legs in the round of 16 back in February 2015.

Famous for letting games flow, the official was subject to controversy when presiding over Manchester City’s tie with Monaco when he denied a seemingly certain penalty to Sergio Aguero and booked him for diving.