Lahoz ref for Juve-Borussia

Spanish referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz will officiate the Champions League game between Juventus and Borussia Dortmund.

The official was appointed by UEFA for the first leg Round of 16 tie on Tuesday night.

Lahoz will be supported by assistants Pau Cebrian Devis and Roberto Diaz Perez del Palomar.

Meanwhile, the other game on Tuesday between Manchester City and Barcelona has been assigned to German referee Felix Brych.

Spanish referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz will officiate the Champions League game between Juventus and Borussia Dortmund.

The official was appointed by UEFA for the first leg Round of 16 tie on Tuesday night.

Lahoz will be supported by assistants Pau Cebrian Devis and Roberto Diaz Perez del Palomar.

Meanwhile, the other game on Tuesday between Manchester City and Barcelona has been assigned to German referee Felix Brych.